Monday, November 21, 2011
Reflections on having done our 2000th show..
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Start of East Coast Tour...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
It's been awhile but we are still here
Hey there people! We are all still here. We've been resting our bones and rejuvenating for the Fall tour fast approaching which is always one of favorites. We haven't completely forgotten how to blog. We see that some have pointed out that we haven't had any entries lately and it's nice you to see you are paying attention. It's not for lack of exciting things happening.
Last tour we had our biggest gig to date considering the size of the audience at the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival in Golden Gate Park San Fransisco. Estimations on the size of the crowd seem to be something like 25,000 to 30,000. It's really hard to say but the promoter who hired us said it was the most people they have ever had in that space and jokingly commented that they can't have us back because we drew too many people. The band felt very honored to be able to play that space and to have so many show up. Needless to say we all had a blast. Thank you! Hopefully we can make it back to the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in a couple of years!
We felt very positive about the way we played many of the shows on the rest of the tour as well. We had a lot of fun with the late 60's style elective in the Yost Theater in Santa Ana CA area to the awesome new venue Austin City Limits Live at the Moody Theater, Austin TX.
New App for smart phones:
I want to share with you an awesome app I found for smart phones. Search for "archivist" from your app store. It's an app that makes it easy to listen and stream any DSO show on as well as any other show including the 7000 plus recordings of Grateful Dead shows. It cost a couple dollars but it will allow you to easily navigate to any show quickly and easily. It breaks it down by recordings per year. It's interesting to note that there are 312 DSO shows up at the time of this writing and most of them have been from the last few years. I did however listen to some old school stuff from 2000 which I hadn't listened to a very long time and I gotta say it was fun to look back on the development of the band.
Hope to see you all soon for our upcoming Fall Northeast tour to help us celebrate our 2000th show and 14 years since the bands first gig (which happened on 11/11/1997)!
Until then, Cheers!
Dino English
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Konichiwa! Japan is Shinji rarenai!
Japan is a wonderful country with loads of really nice people and a rather large number of Deadheads. They absolutely love the music and are really appreciative of the bands who perform there. When I was there in 2001 with the Zen Tricksters, we toured for a week and just had a terrific time. This time it's awesome to be playing such a large festival with DSO and sharing the bill with all those cool bands. I have to remember to take a lot of photos--it's really a beautiful place.
More when I return. Sionara for now.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Summer Tour part 1
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Into the Sun Tour Has Been Fantastic Fun!
And now we are down to the last two shows--the Mighty High, organized by yet another friend! This fest is going to be terrific and I think the weather will turn out just fine. Tomorrow I get to play an afternoon set with my good friend, Donna Jean, and my buds in the Donna Jean Godchaux Band. I am really looking forward to that! And then two incredible shows with DSO tomorrow and Saturday. A great way to end an amazing tour. I look forward to playing, seeing some bands that I love, and seeing friends at the Mighty High, and I look forward to coming home for some well-earned rest after that. See you in Tuxedo!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Listening to Dark Star Orchestra recordings
That's an easy one with many answers:
A. Many DSO shows are not derived from actual Grateful Dead shows set lists.
B. Even the ones that are from GD set lists are played uniquely by DSO.
C. Most of the time DSO recordings are done using modern recording technology making the sound enjoyably listenable.
D. Apparently, people just like to... given this info from
Most Downloaded Items:
Dark Star Orchestra Live at Gathering of the Vibes on 2005-08-13
Dark Star Orchestra Live at Starr Hill Music Hall on 2006-02-07
Dark Star Orchestra Live at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park on 2004-07-04
Dark Star Orchestra Live at Crystal Ballroom on 2005-02-25
Dark Star Orchestra Live at Keswick Theater on 2007-12-31
That's 268,111 downloads of the top five downloaded shows. Of course it takes some time to get on that list so I believe the newer recordings will break into that list soon enough. And this is just one web site as I know there are many others.
What that number tells me is something I've stated before .... TAPERS OF DARK STAR ORCHESTRA ARE APPRECIATED BY MANY (that goes for you video tapers too!).
At the time of this writing there are 420 recordings up on Archive of almost 2000 shows. So I would take a guess that just about 1/5 of the shows are actually getting taped given that some shows are taped by several tapers. About 4 out of 5 shows are getting away. It's never to late to do your fellow DSO listener a favor and pick up the craft of recording shows.
By the way .... I hear tapers are now called "recordist" as very few actually record on tape anymore.
Here are some from this tour:
It's been a fun tour! Thank you all! ...Glad to be able to play for you!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Home for a Minute
The Into the Sun tour has been going great--we're having a lot of fun and making fantastic music together. Tonight is particularly special for Rob B. and I as we'll be on our home turf of Long Island at the Westbury Music Fair (it will always go by that name for me!). I've seen many great shows here myself, including Chicago in 1971, Rodney Dangerfield, the Chieftians, Little Feat, Steve Winwood, and Ratdog, to name a few. One that really stands out in my mind was a tribute to Miles Davis that included all the members of one of his greatest quintets--Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Ron Carter, and Tony Williams, with Wallace Roney filling in on trumpet for the late, great Miles!!
I had a great time playing here last year and it's so much fun to see all the familiar faces of family, friends, and fans from Long Island. This Long Island boy is really looking forward to tonight and I think it's gonna be a great show!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Interview question and answer
1) What is planned for the Into the Sun Tour -what can your fans expect to hear?
answer 1: The tour kicks of in New York City where we will be playing the famed GD set list from 4/29/71 Fillmore East on its 40th anniversary. Princeton is next so my guess is that it will be a two drummer show. ... only a guess. Fans can expect to see what we always do which is play Grateful Dead music the best we can.
2) Tell me about how people can vote for the encore of the show? Why did you guys decide to come up with this?
answer 2: You can vote for the encore here or by going to the tour date page of our website and following the link from the particular date.
We do this just as another way to let the audience be part of the show. We do not perform to the the audience, we perform with the audience.
3) Looking at the year ahead, what do you have planned that you (and your fans) will be excited about?
answer 3: Festival season is coming up which is always exciting. It gives us a chance to play in front of large audiences and invariably, play for people who have not seen us before. It's always fun to turn on new people.
Also, we are going to go play the Fuji Rock Festival in Japan in late July.
We are 70 shows away from our 2000th show, a milestone to say the least and done in 14 years!
Within a years time we will be doing Jam At The Dam in Amsterdam which will coincidently be around the the 40th anniversary of the the famous Grateful Dead Europe '72 tour. Who knows... maybe we will stick some more dates in other cities as long as we are already over there.
4) Any message for the fans coming out to NJ to see you on April 30?
Answer 4: My message is simply one of thanks for participating in our little world. We have been at this for a long time and we are in a really good space right now. We are having fun and we feel the music we are making these days is worthy of your attention.
Furthermore, If you like what you hear, try spreading the word to those naysayers again. From the reactions we are getting, we seem to be picking up steam and many naysayers of the past are finding a good time can be had at our shows.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Here we go
Right now we are tearing it up at to a packed house at Irving Plaza. Lisa and I both have the night off (4/29/71), so I thought i would post for the first time in a while.
When we do the early 70's, either Dino or I has to take the night off. Tonight it is me. People often ask, "is it strange to watch your own band"? Well, the answer is yes. While, of course, I would rather be playing than watching, it does give me a unique perspective on things. I think the main thing is really getting to see the audience. I like to take a walk around the venue and check out the crowd. See the dancers, check out how people react to the music, and mostly, see the smiles on peoples faces. It really lets me know what kind of affect we, and mainly this music has on folks. Keep dancin'. Keep smilin'. It is what keeps us going. Thanks- ROB K
Sunday, April 17, 2011
High in the clouds!
You westerners sure poured it on us and I hope we gave it back in turn! See you all soon! Love, Rob Barraco
Monday, April 11, 2011
Spread The Love!
I must say the band and crew are all having a blast this tour and we appreciate all your positive vibes you have been passing back to us.
It's also great that many of you are recognizing the extra spark Kevin has been giving lately. We have always loved Kevin but Since Jeff has joined the band, he's been spending extra time working to be the best he can be. He also has plans to expand his tonal pallet by augmenting his bass selection. He debuted his new Jack Casady Epiphone bass the last night of the Great American run. ...Talk about giving off good vibrations! ...And some more custom work is coming which will improve it even more. Go Kevin!
We are hearing from many different directions that the band is sounding the best it ever has and this is the best line up yet. I don't know how to respond to this subjective comment other than to say thanks and that the band is feeling "it" in a serious way.
Perhaps it is time to let others, who are outside our circle, know how you feel. In the past, many have experienced resistance from those who discount us for being a cover band. They couldn't get past that little box they put us in to give us a chance. What you know and what we know is that the only thing that matters about this particular confluence we all have going is the music.... GD music played with the highest musicality we can muster. And that this is a LIVE music experience that is meant to be shared with a room full of people who are all helping to make the room take off and fly.
I've been noticing the word is getting around to people who were once critical of our approach and that now, they have opened up to the fun that can be had. We seem to be less controversial today as more people seem to be coming into some semblance of agreement that we do have a measure of worth. Again, some of you are expressing that worth in very strong ways. We hear you and it does matter to us because without you there is no music. The controversy seems to end (or turn into something a little more fun) by the reluctant person of the past getting in the same room with all of us and letting the music do it's thing.
Perhaps it is time to try your friends again... the ones who wouldn't listen before. ... or the online social networks and message boards that wouldn't listen before. Perhaps it is time for you, my dear DSO blog reader :), to go out unto the world and spread the love.
I know this may start to be sounding like a sermon and perhaps it is. All I know is that there is something in the air.... something new is waiting to be born and the time is now! Let's all of us help make this magic happen.... together!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
San Francisco!!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Mechanical aspects!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The West!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Truckin' Up To Buffalo
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A good afternoon to you (or whenever this may find you),
I feel very lucky to be playing with my compatriots in DSO. One of the many things I admire about this band is their vocal ability, specifically their ability to sing in super sweet harmony. I like to describe this bands vocals as "top shelf".
Often, in the afternoon before soundcheck (which normally happens around five), the singers will get together with an acoustic guitar or two and practice singing together while sitting around in the front lounge of the bus. One of my favorite things to do is to sit around and listen to them. I'm in constant awe as singing is not one of my nature gifts and I admire and envy their abilities. It's so beautiful that It can be quite moving at times.
It's also great to see the singers quite easily and naturally having a good time together while doing this. After so many years traveling together in tight quarters and persevering through many bumpy and hard times, to be able to watch them laugh hard with each other can be quite a moving experience as well.
Off to listen to more great singing with what is always a fun acoustic evening of music.
Till next time,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Food On The Road
Hello everybody
Hope everyone is well. Nice to be back on the road and playing music. Thanks to everyone who helped us start off this leg with two sellouts! Hoping for many more.
It's a rainy Sunday here in Reading PA. Hoping it will stop by this evening and the folks will show up. Gotta a pretty hot show on tap for tonight. This is the shortest tour we have ever done, so keeping the energy up shouldn't be a problem. 8 shows in 9 days and then back home.
Needing a good subject to write about, any questions out there??
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Sold Out Shows
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What's a Blog?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Our Band
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Our Crew
Friday, February 11, 2011
Here we go again

Rob K here.
Well, it feels like July today, and it is not because we are in Florida, (which is unusually cool). No, it is because I was onstage setting up my drums at friggin" 10AM today!! You see, we are playing at a festival today. The Del Ray Beach 12th annual Garlic Fest to be precise. Guess what's for dinner.
Festivals are a different animal than your normal "an evening with DSO" days. First off, they start much earlier. We pulled out of Orlando last night around 2:30. After the crew winds down for a while, they hit the bunks somewhere between 3:30-4:00 am. Today the doors on the truck opened for load in at 10:am. Not a lot of sleep for those hard working guys and gal. Dino and I hit the stage around 10:30-11:00 to set up our drums. NO, we don't have a dedicated drum tech (please don't apply, we have no empty bunks), to do that for us, but the crew does help quite a bit.
Due to multiple bands and scheduling, we usually have to set up quite early in the day, and then hurry up and wait for a night time show. When we did the JamGrass tour in 2002, our load ins were at 7am, then we played at noon and again at 8pm. By the time the doors closed on the trucks it was usually 1am. Then another 7am load in. What an unforgettable tour, though.
Today sound check will be at 2pm and we wont start the show until 7:30. That adds an additional two hours of waiting around to our normal schedule. Every one kills the time differently. Sleep, exercise, movies on the bus (although today we are parked in a garage, so no satellite signal), video games, and of course, crosswords and Scrabble. On some occasions there is the chance to see some other bands perform. That is the great part of the festival thing for us. Getting to hang out and see some of our friends play and check out some new bands is one of the few perks of being on the festival grounds for up to 18 hours at a time.
The biggest perk is the exposure. A lot of people who never knew of the Dead or have been hesitant to check us out get to see us. Hopefully that translates into new fans who will help keep this train rolling.
We have had a pretty good week. Good crowds and fun shows. We are in the homestretch now. Two more shows and then straight to the airport for early flights Sunday morning. Looking forward to getting home for a little R&R. Many thanks to all that have joined us on this tour. You have made it a successful one for us. See you up north in a couple of weeks.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thank You Tapers
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Ode to Canada
We often get requests to go to Canada but we have been unable to pull off a show. Let it be known ... We do love our Canadian Deadhead brothers and sisters. However, the logistics of pulling off a show there are enormous. When crossing the border we would have to have a detailed list of everything we are bringing down to the wire, nut, and bolt, not to mention a tremendous amount of other hurdles we would have to jump over. Recently, we have actually been in talks with Canadian promoters in several cities and have been unable to reach a deal due to all the hoops we would have to jump through. But a small Canadian tour is still not out of the question. Negotiations have just been tabled for the moment, not halted. I still believe that we will make it eventually in which case we would most likely scale the stuff we bring down to a bare minimum for early '70s and late '60s style shows.
Until then, we have several close to the border shows. Buffalo NY, where we frequent often, is not far from Toronto. Then we have Bellingham Wa for your Vancouver folks and Burlington isn't too far from Montreal.
So Canadians, know that we love you and we haven't forgotten you. Please visit us for these relatively close border shows. We will continue to try to take off to the great white north. We know it will be a beauty way to go.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Our Tin Can, Pearl
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Join The Scrabble Revolution
Monday, January 31, 2011
We had the day off yesterday, which was nice. I usually try to play golf on the day off, but we haven't had the weather for it yet. Hopefully tomorrow, in Charleston, (one of my favorite towns).
We rarely have a day off in one of our hometowns, so yesterday was a treat. Dino lives here in Lexington KY and he got to spend the night at home last night. Good for him. Saturday was his daughter's first b-day, so they had a little party last night. It was really nice getting out of the hotel life and being in someone's home for a nice gathering and good meal. Many thanks to Dino and Shannon.
A quick one night stand tonight, day off tomorrow and then a tough four night run coming up. Hoping to see you all out there this week.
Thanks, ROB
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hey there folks, Rob K here. Long time listener, first time blogger. I've never blogged before, so it may take a few entries to get in rhythm.
As Rob B. said, the tour had been going well, but damn, it's been cold! A balmy 30 degrees today in Cleveland. It's nice to be warm again.
Not sure what my topics will be as we go forward, but today I thought I would talk about some of the cooler aspects of being on the road.
One of the best things about being on the road is the opportunity to see some of the great historic places around the country. Yesterday was a banner day on that front. As you see in the picture, I made the pilgrimage to the historic Motown studios. What a treat!! Jeff Mattson and I went over before soundcheck, (we raved about it so much, Dino ended up going over later in the day), and it was truly mind blowing. To stand in the "snakepit", studio A, home of the Funk Brothers. 14,000 songs were recorded in that studio. Every Motown hit up to 1972, I believe was created right in that little room. You could feel the vibe oozing from the place. All of the original recording equipment is still in there. The 1870's Steinway piano that played on every Motown hit is still in the corner, as well as the vibraphone, B-3 organ and a few of the drums.
I am a huge fan of Motown, not just because of the music, but also because of the way Barry Gordy started with a vision, and an 800 dollar loan, and turned it into an empire. At one point Motown owned every building on the block, using them all for different aspects of the business. Motown also came along at the perfect time to aid in the changing times of society. It became a bridge to help integrate black and white society and culture, and that importance should never be lost. Really the only negative I see from Motown, is the lack of fame and financial gain for the musicians themselves. Most of them were paid very, very little for making some of the greatest music of all time. They finally got some recognition with a movie about 10 years ago. Unfortunately it was too late for some of them to enjoy it. Today only 3 of the original Funk Brothers are alive.
If any one reading this has not seen the film "Standing in the Shadows of Motown", that is your homework assignment. Thank you for indulging my ramblings. I am open to suggestions on how to do this better and even on fielding questions you may have for us. PEACE
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hello bloggers! This is DSO’s first amongst many.
Had we known, we should have named this tour Til Hell Freezes Over! We flew into Des Moines and it just got colder and colder. BRRRRRR Woke up on the bus in Milwaukee and it was minus four outside and 45 inside! But, the music has been hot! Our boy Jeff has been tearing it up every night.
The Pabst Theater in Milwaukee is one of the most beautiful settings for a show. Just when the show ended, the fire alarms went off. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anything as loud as that! We just pulled in Detroit for our day off and was promptly handed a notice from our hotel that they will be testing the fire alarms all day. Sheesh, we can’t get away from the cold or the alarms. Is the music that hot?
I hope as we head down into the south the warm weather finds us! Koritz is hell bent on playing golf even if he has to play with black balls in the snow.
Safe travels and see you at the shows. Rob Barraco