Thursday, March 3, 2011

What's a Blog?

As I sit here at the airport in Dallas (of all places) I find myself trying to write my first Blog. But what exactly is a Blog? Sounds like something you pick out of your nose and flick across the room! Well maybe the symbolism does the name justice, I don't know. The road and living on the road is one big Blog (or boogger if you prefer). Alright getting back to why I started this post to begin with (why was that exactly?). This space was set up to give perspective on the daily reality's of living on the road. So here I am heading to tour at the lovely Dallas/Ft Worth Airport with a 2+ hour layover before my next flight that get's to Richmond just before midnight (really fun so far!). Then I'll have to make a call to some late night shift person at the hotel where the bus is parked for a pick up at the airport. All I need to say here is your lucky if you only have to call once! Then it's off to the lovely confines of the tour bus (that's right, no hotels for us...Times are tight and we need to save money). Tour Bus is the glam term for what it really is. I like to call it "living in a tin can with 11 other people. Having no privacy or means to escape but rather at test of patience and compassion in an effort to survive"). Now your probably asking why? Well it's because we love the music. Love it so much we put ourselves, our friends and family's through the riggers and pitfalls of life on the road, away from home. Is it a test of will? You bet. Is it at times unbearable? You bet. Would I choose to do anything else? Not a chance! We do this because we LOVE this music. Love it so much we put ourselves in this tin can every month. We do it because we don't know what else to do with our passion for the music. Well I guess It's time to find my next gate, call the hotel and find my way to the tin can. Can't wait to play music tomorrow in Richmond........
Rob Eaton


  1. Speaking of boogers. LOVE is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it....then you wonder what the fuck to do with it. There's your analogy for the day. Happy Picking!! :)

  2. Thank you for finding a way to play the most wonderful music in the world so well. Long live Grateful Dead music!

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